On February 2nd, 2023, both Democrats and Republicans voted to pass the "Denouncing the Horrors of Socialism" resolution. House Concurrent Resolution 9, “denounces socialism in all its forms and opposes the implementation of socialist policies in the United States.”

It was said that the resolution was a symbolic gesture, but progressives have brought up very legitimate criticisms that this could be a dangerous step toward slashing Social Security, Medicare and other safety net programs.

What is particularly troubling is that the majority of Democrats in the House supported the measure. 109 Democrats supported the resolution while 86 voted against it. The top four Democrats in the Democratic leadership voted for the resolution, this includes House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries (New York), House Assistant Democratic Leader Jim Clyburn (South Carolina), Democratic Whip Katherine Clark (Massachusetts), and Democratic Caucus Chairman Pete Aguilar (California). Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (California) also supported the measure.

Some other prominent Democrats voted no. House Representative Jim McGovern (D-Massachusetts) voted “no.” He said that “the socialism resolution is useless. It does nothing. It does not matter. Are we talking about public schools? Are we talking about roads? Are we talking about Social Security? I mean, give me a break.”

Representative Mark Pocan (D-Wisconsin), Chair Emeritus of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, also criticized the resolution. “For 35 years now I’ve owned a small business, giving me significantly more experience as a capitalist than the vast majority of members on the other side of the aisle. So as a capitalist, let me tell you: This resolution is plain ridiculous. It jointly condemns Pol Pot and Norway.”

Maxine Waters (D-California), another “no” vote, called out the hypocrisy of Republicans who support corporate welfare or are personal beneficiaries of social programs.

There are serious questions about this resolution's potential impact on America's already lacking social safety net. See more in the links below.


Bill Links

Read The Bill Here (

Yeas and Nays (United States House of Representatives)


Criticisms of the Bill

The GOP’s ‘horrors of socialism’ resolution was bait. Dems took it (MSNBC, 2-3-23)

Progressives: House Anti-Socialism Resolution Is Step Toward Slashing Safety Net (Truthout, 2-3-23)

House passes resolution denouncing socialism, vote splits Democrats (The Hill, 2-2-23)